
Principal's Welcome

Dear Hubbard School Parents and Families,  

Here we are! The start of another amazing year at Hubbard School! As summer dips below  the horizon, we embark on the fantastic adventure known as the 2024-2025 school year.  Without question, new memories will be forged and new successes achieved as our united  school community travels across the days, weeks, and months ahead. Enjoy every moment,  because this period of time in your children’s lives is uniquely special and absolutely  AWESOME! The school environment is beaming, as staff are excited and ready to welcome  the individual and collective beauty of our children. They are our “why”, representing the  lifeblood of our purpose, and fueling our passion for our work as educators. 

As a school and district community of learners, we strive to grow, progress, and improve each  day. Enriched by an environment of expectation, support, care, and understanding, your  children amaze us on a daily basis. We are committed to providing them with the best possible  opportunities at the elementary level in contribution to their preK-12 experience in service to  the BERLIN VISION OF THE GRADUATE. As a preK-12 learning community, our district goal is for every graduate to develop important transferable skills that will help them be  successful now and in the future. As Hubbard articulates the K-5 touchstones of your  children’s tenure within the Berlin Public Schools, we strive to develop students that can communicate effectively, collaborate to accomplish a shared goal, and learn continuously.  Students that can think critically, innovate to design solutions to problems, and contribute to local and global communities. 

Our belief and effort are nested in our shared commitment to cultivate kind, compassionate  citizens who listen, understand, and act with both empathy and respect, knowing that what  they do affects others. Mindful and responsive collaborators who contribute ideas and listen  to others’ perspective to consider courses of action to accomplish a shared goal. Effective  communicators who share information, ideas, points of view, and/or feelings in a clear,  precise, and thoughtful manner appropriate for audience and purpose. Resilient and  discerning problem solvers who investigate a question, explanation, or challenge by  developing an informed, flexible plan of action to construct solutions or offer conclusions.  Innovative, imaginative designers who develop, test, and refine ideas by experimenting with  techniques and tools to reach a desired outcome. 

Our work together is grounded in an unwavering commitment to the PURPOSE, PASSION,  and PRIDE driving our efforts and educational decisions. PURPOSE: Students and educators  must feel that their work has purpose and meaning. Developing critical, lifelong skills is work  that matters. As a school and district, we will build shared understanding of and commitment  to student achievement of the Berlin Vision of the Graduate. PASSION: Berlin students and  educators care deeply about their work. As part of a learning community, they teach, inspire,  motivate and learn from one another. As a school and district, we cultivate a strong learning  culture for both educators and students. PRIDE: Education is a community responsibility.  Students and educators benefit from the support of parents and community members. As a  school and district, we strive to enhance community partnerships to support student learning.

Hubbard’s talented staff works diligently and collaboratively to provide a standards-based  curriculum for approximately 230 students ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Through  shared commitment, common vision, and a unifying educational philosophy, the professional  community at Hubbard seeks to support every child on his/her own pathway to success. By  providing a structured, respectful, nurturing learning environment defined by rigor and  positive reinforcement students thrive in academic, social, and emotional arenas. Children are  provided numerous learning opportunities and experiences in the aforementioned areas, resulting in both personal and collective growth and achievement.  

As part of our ongoing efforts to continue to provide the most impactful experiences for the  children and families we serve, we will continue forward with our commitment to  implementing RULER, an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning  developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER is also an acronym for the  skills of emotional intelligence: Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and  Regulating emotions. Research from the field of emotion science finds that children who  understand and manage their feelings make more responsible decisions, have stronger  relationships, and perform better in school. RULER helps students, and the adults in their  lives, to learn about and manage their emotions. This is important for success in nearly every  aspect of our lives and for our overall wellbeing. 

The school website provides a wealth of ongoing, pertinent information for all members of  the educational community. Please check the website frequently for information and updates  within academic, curricular, social, and community arenas, as well as, important dates, events  and announcements from the Hubbard PTO and school staff/administration.  

Thank you for your time, interest, and support,  

Alfred Souza III 

Hubbard School Principal

Mr. Souza


Alfred Souza | profile

Alisha "Katie" Bouchard | profile

139 Grove Street, East Berlin, CT 06023

M-F: 8:40 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.

M-F: 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.