
Student Life

Richard D. Hubbard Elementary students may participate in a variety of co-curricular activities, providing them with opportunities to enrich their learning while developing their own unique talents.

After School Adventures

After School Adventures is a program that provides academic and physical enrichment and activities to support student learning and development.  Courses include math, foreign language, science, sports, arts & crafts and technology.


Band is a performing ensemble that meets once per week for 45 minutes. Students also participate in small group lessons once per week for 30 minutes with their instrument group. Participating in the band program gives students the opportunity to learn to play an instrument, learn collaborative skills, foster responsibility and independence, discover a hidden musical talent, and make lifetime memories making music together with their friends. 


Chorus is a singing ensemble that all fifth graders participate in once per week for 45 minutes. Students perform in two concerts per year, a winter concert and a spring concert. They learn to sing in harmony, learn vocal techniques, memorize songs for performances, have solo singing opportunities, and experience what it would be like singing in the chorus at the middle school level to help them choose a path for 6th grade music. 


D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons provided to our fifth grade students on how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives. The D.A.R.E Mission is to teach students good decision-making skills to help them lead safe lives. For more information, visit the D.A.R.E. website.


Students in fifth have the opportunity to participate in a recorded newscast in which they practice collaborating with their peers and working on their speaking skills. The students create various segments sharing out on different topics of their interest. The segments are recorded into a short newscast that is shared within the school.

Recess Sports

Recess Sports is a program that provides 4th-grade students an opportunity to have organized game play during recess time.  Students can sign up to play various sports (soccer, handball, volleyball, etc.), provided they complete their homework and show good behavior in school.